Category: Through the Lens

May 15, 2010 Off


By Pramathesh Borkotoky

muse of imagination- flirtatious yellow butterfly Prarthana Mudai is a Research Scholar and a Hobbyist Photographer. The Haiku has been…

March 15, 2010 Off

Journey to Unknown

By Mani Padma

[singlepic=76,375,494,,center] Life is a journey- They say! Destination – Unknown! Purpose –Debatable, but I am raring to go wherever life…

February 15, 2010 Off


By Hashan Hazarika

“Are you giving TV free with this?” “aap bhi kyaaa bolte sirjee” “1kg mutton 350 rupees…You will not take much…

January 1, 2010 Off


By Mani Padma

My daughter… my sweet little daughter. How I love this photograph. It is going to be probably my last memory…