An interview with a blogger- Mr Deepak Amembal

An interview with a blogger- Mr Deepak Amembal

February 1, 2013 5 By Fried Guest

How many of you believe in sharing- sharing as in experiences, opinion, views, information?

I am sure many of you do.

Do you share with just your family or the world is your family?

Yes , we know , its the age of “going global” and we no more feel uneasy in being familiar with strangers.

Who knows there might be a friend among the strangers, who knows who we might be saving a big deal of trouble by sharing our experiences and information. Who wouldn’t want to bring a sigh of relief to a troubled soul or a rare smile to someone in grief?

…And so we have blogs, just as we have facebook, twitter etc etc.

But how many of us blog or to put it specifically blog seriously. Though many, still the numbers are few. And how many of us blog about niche’ subject like photography or travel? How many of us listen to the sudden urge to share with the world a random observation or  a view that took our breath away, or a cause that compels us to act…

Very few of us , right?

But the few that we found over the internet were simply marvelous with awesome pictures and superb narration all as a part of their personal experiences.

Travel Magic is one such blog that completely bowled us with its contents and as a stroke of  good luck we have with us today Deepak Amembal, the blogger and creator of Travel Magic and who happens to blog on other subjects too.


travel magic


FE- You are an avid photographer, a blogger as well as traveler? Is it a case of one exists because of the other?

DA-To a certain extent yes but not totally. Had started writing stories and poetry before posting photographs online but soon realised that internet is a good place to share what I see too!

FE- How do you find the time to multi task and pursue your creative interests?

DA-I make the time.

FE- How did the love of travelling and photography happen to you? Has your job something to do with it?( Deepak was with  the Air India limited)

DA-My love for travelling and photography was what goaded me to a job in an airline.

FE-Usually it is said that the journey is more delightful than just the goal of reaching a destination. What do you feel on this?

DA-For me, both the journey and the destination are equally important. They are not mutually exclusive.

FE-With the advent of low cost and frequent flying, though we do save on time, but somehow are we missing out on the fun of road trips and train journeys?

DA-I hate flying and am biased towards road trips.

FE-Your blogs are a delight to go through with its simple yet vivid narration and bright vibrant photography. Can we expect a book in the future.

DA-Would love it if some publisher feels my work is good enough J

bozo (Copy)

FE-You write on a variety of topics – travel, pets, Mumbai. Your blogs seem to be a journal of sorts and not just random musings. Could you please tell our readers about your blogs.

DA-Mumbai daily ( is a blog where I post a photograph related to Mumbai every day. This has helped me discover so much more about Mumbai than I would have!

Magic travels ( is my log about my travels where I love to share about my travel experiences good or bad. I also make an effort to ensure that my blog visitors can find these posts useful to plan their travel.

Pets Forever ( is a blog dedicated to the stray who came into our lives 10 years back and has enriched our lives with his presence.

Instant words ( is my space to rave and rant and review. It is text oriented.

Photings ( is where I indulge in haikus inspired by my photographs


FE-Seeing and visiting a new place is a very special experience that everyone one wants to cherish and relive it multiple times by sharing with others which can be seen by the photographs that are synonymous with travel.However blogging one’s travel experience is yet to pick up. Most of the time a person is confused whether to write one’s own experience or go in a professional informative manner. Will you as an experienced blogger please share with our readers some key points on how to go about it?

DA-Blogs are always unique and relied upon by a lot of travelers today due to the personal experiences mentioned in them. For general information they can always refer to the commercial sites. But it is the blogs that give one a more realistic overview of either a place or the journey. Hence in my opinion a travel blogger should have a judicious mix of one’s own experience and a bit about commercial information with links preferably.

FE-Which three places or trips would you recommend to our readers? A little about them.

DA-This is too general a question hence would not want to try answering it.

All that I would say is that India is a land that will satisfy any type of traveler! We have destinations and journeys through deserts, mountains and valleys to beaches and cuisine that changes every few hundred kilometres. So one can pick and choose any destination or journey one wants right here in our country depending on ones likes, dislikes and affordability.

So go for it guys! Travel safe!





*- A correction- Deepak Amembal was with Air India ltd and is no more employed with them. The error was an oversight on our part and is deeply regreted

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