The story of a single man turning thirty

The story of a single man turning thirty

February 15, 2012 Off By Pramathesh Borkotoky

After your 30th Birthday, you are officially closer to 40 than to 20.” – Unknown

The above quote might sound exaggerated, but completely true. Before you are 30, it sounds completely an over hyped issue in a person’s life, but as they say, “Nothing is cliché when it’s happening with you!” Although, I would like to believe that it is tougher with single women, but nevertheless this fact does not make it easier for us.

Every year has a different flavor to it, so has 30th year. The flavor of 30 is uncertainties concerning love. Yes love. You heard it right. Although, till that time you experience love for over a dozen times, but love at 30 is different. What makes its different is the uncertainty of whether you want to take the final plunge or not. It is altogether a different thing that you defer the decision for some later time after it bothers you for some time. During that time, you start preparing for ‘better future’, something which does not exist after 30. Life is waiting for you to hit you and it is during this time when you decide where to get hit on.

What are the things that make it so tough and uncertain? Let’s delve into this in detail. First of all, every person who is elder to you is married and you are forced to spend time with the ‘young ones’ or the YO guys. And one thing that these guys are completely capable of is to make you feel old. They call you with the prefix ‘Da’, meaning elder brother. After much of that you decide to get married and you come to realize that every girl you meet is married, engaged or too young for you. Too bad!

Apart from love there is another thing that bothers you. You don’t know how to behave. Either people are expecting more from you or you are behaving like a jerk. Either way, you behave strange. You seem to like cartoons more than ever before. Since most of your friends are married and some of them have kids, you also like to be around kids and you find out that they are the only people you enjoy spending time with. While you are behaving like an idiot and the world around you is trying to grasp what is wrong with you, you draw yourself to solitude and they are the ones who bring you out of solitude!

Being 30 changes you more than any other year that you had before. After the storm has passed, you enjoy the calmness it leaves you with. Being 30 is great.

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