June 3, 2024
Movie Review: Shri Swapankumarer Badami Hyenar Kobole
What is worse than not being popular? Being forgotten! That’s exactly where Dipak Chatterjee finds himself, relegated to a dusty…
What is worse than not being popular? Being forgotten! That’s exactly where Dipak Chatterjee finds himself, relegated to a dusty…
Binisutoy, of course, has a more pointed focus – the unbearable loneliness of the privileged life. It is a film that people could identify with, irrespective of which point of the road they are in.
Director Bratya Basu may have sought inspiration from Savita Bhabhi too when he thought of his protagonist Smita Sanyal in Dictionary. Will it manage to create as much discussion as Savita Bhabhi did? Probably not. It most certainly is not aiming to do so.