The Sunshine Society – A Window to achieve dreams

The Sunshine Society – A Window to achieve dreams

March 25, 2016 0 By Fried Guest

The Sunshine Society is a collective of mainly College & School students from Jorhat, who have a single minded dedication to provide a platform to the artist community from this small beautiful town. There is terrific talent that has sprung up here – mainly of Musicians, Poets, Painters & Dancers. All of this will be up as performance. This is not a competitive event but one, merely to showcase talent that deserves a platform; as also to bring together the citizens of Jorhat, who want to appreciate & understand.


For a long time, there has been a lacunae here, of a society that can continually tap into talent & performance. In this case, the members have pooled in their own pocket money to set into motion, an effort that will reach out to the different sections of people that make up the society of Jorhat, and bring them all into this common pool. The artist will be from all the sections, as well as the audience.

The Sunshine Society was set up as an initiative of these students with Musician Joi Barua as an Advisor. There will be different achievers of Jorhat, in different parts of India and the world, who will soon come on board as patrons. The Sunshine Society will also be a window for the wanting achievers to speak to people from Jorhat, who have lived different lives & are currently chasing different dreams. And the journey has just begun.

Editor’s note: The second event of The Sunshine Society has been planned on 27th March’16. Do visit and encourage the students.

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