Theatrical go-backs

Theatrical go-backs

February 15, 2013 0 By Fried Eye

You must be aware by now, if, that is, if you are an avid reader of our Ezine, that we have sections or categories that cater to the varied taste of our readers like the Music section, the Movie desk, Food and Recipe section, our special sections- See New pertaining to travel and Northeast and the recent addition Fried Eye research section which have contributed some exclusive pieces on the North East as well on other subjects, which as the name suggests were extensively researched. Each of the major sections will be explored today to give a rundown as to what we have been up to.

And so the section we start with is the Movie Desk.

In charge Noyon Jyoti Parasara, who is very much into the film industry –technically, has been the person responsible for some of our high profile celebrity interviews and also some brilliant analytical articles on Bollywood .

The Movie desk made its presence felt in our first issue itself with an article by none other than filmmaker Bidyut Kotoky who wrote about his feature film As the River flows touching subjects like terrorism, the making of the movie, the subject of the movie and about the inspiration from a real incident.

The article rates as one of our most precious as it was a post that came straight from the heart of one of our earliest well wisher and will be forever treasured. It also threw some light on hardships that a debutant filmmaker faces if he chooses a difficult yet a relevant subject.


“So what is the film is about? The film is about people like you and me. The people who are caught in the cross fire…”  Bidyut Kotoky on As the river flows

If you haven’t read it then do read it now. If you haven’t watched the film, then do try to do so. Till then you can read about it here


In our second issue, our movie desk invaded Bollywood with Salman Khan’s interview and after that there was no stopping and we went on to cover Amitabh Bachchan, Aamir Khan and Madhuri Dixit to name a few and recently even Ang Lee of Life of Pi fame; all thanks to the diligent and dedicated approach of the Movie desk.


The movie desk offerings were not only limited to interviews and also included some lucidly written analytical articles like the- Romance that gave goosebumps, one of our most read articles.


The ultimate high points were achieved, once when we bagged an exclusive interview with Anup Kurian and Baburajan of The Blueberry Hunt fame and the other when the movie desk section brought out an exclusive issue on the 100 years of Indian films

You can scroll up the entire movie desk selection here if you have missed any and would like to have a look.

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