Editorial – Looking forward

Editorial – Looking forward

February 1, 2014 Off By Noyon Jyoti Parasara

Turbulent times, these. 10 killed near Assam-Arunachal Pradesh border. And it fails to make it to the national media. And just when we were hoping to get over this, another cruel incident hits us. 18-year old Nido Taniam, son of an Arunachal MLA, is beaten to death in Delhi in a shocking incident. Heart misses a beat. We sit back, ponder… wonder how to get over this. Probably make a change?

Hopefully we will. We shall definitely try. We try looking forward. And learn.  

This issue is more about learning that anything else.

The first month of 2014 has already zoomed by. Many of you may have already let go the resolutions that you made for the year! It is time to look forward. Eleven months to go… and so much to learn! And learning has been our focus too, through a whole lot of tribulations.

Nevertheless, every day is packed with new lessons. And we have tried packing this issue of Fried Eye with some reads that could drive home a point or two… a few lessons from our side!

So Mani Padma tells us why saving money is important, Meenu tells us about being happy and Lt Col Kanchan Bhattacharya takes us right back to school and his experiments with Chemistry. We also have Miss Cellany sharing with us about her visit to the YWCA and the glamorous Evelyn Sharma chatting exclusively to Fried Eye about being Bollywood’s new bikini babe! To top it all, Tinam looks into why men have suddenly taken fancy to touch their feminine sides on Indian television.

And then, starting this issue we bring you a new feature – A quiz that would take you back to school. Let’s see if you still have it in you. Sanzeeta will be your quiz master, asking questions which you learnt during elementary school! Hope you they manage to tease your brain cells.


And in the meantime, we shall strive… to make a difference. Would you like to join us?

Do write in.



Issue Editor

Noyon Jyoti Parasar

We welcome your comments at letters@friedeye.com