
December 21, 2012 Off By Editor

Dear readers , as you must be aware our site was under attack by malware yet again in spite of proper security measures and though it has been contained and the threat eliminated, we still are working on probable loopholes and entry ports. Hence we had to delay our December 15th edition and also restrict the contents to a bare minimum as a trial. If all goes well  then we will make it up and return with a bang with our New Year issue which is themed on Weddings. Till then please bear with us and enjoy this issue which has some splendid works of our authors.


December certainly seemed to be the end of the world. Though there were no volcanoes, no earthquakes, tsunamis as depicted in the movie 2012, but ‘bad’ peaked to ‘worst’ times and mankind reached the nadir of progress with the Sandy Hooks school massacre and the Delhi gangrape. Probably what Mayans had seen was entirely symbolic. A race which doesn’t respect its women and protect and nurture its children is doomed. Or is probably as well as dead.

As the debate about rape and punishment continues, it is good to see our countrymen putting pressure on the authorities for some action and justice. Maybe there is still hope for all of us. Maybe the world will survive. It depends on us people on how we make things work.

This new year eve stay safe, stay blessed.

A merry christmas and a happy new year from all of us.


We welcome your comments at letters@friedeye.com