
January 1, 2012 Off By Editor

Dear Readers,

How time flies. It seems like yesterday when we started off. 1st January, 2010 changed our lives forever (forever is a big word but we would take the liberty to use it here). And to think of it, it is 1st January, 2012 already. We had a dream that we tried to execute starting from that day. As time passed by dreams of other people joined ours and it became a bigger dream day by day. Never did we imagine that we would be part of something like Fried Eye and we thank destiny that it chose us for this. Our happiness only attain its pinnacle when we dig the archives of Fried Eye.

It is very difficult to say how we did in these two years. It is up to you to decide. We received criticism both gentle and rude in these two years and we always strove to do our best. Based on your feedback,we sometimes improved and sometimes we failed, but the effort was always 100%. Even after 2 years we still haven’t been able to figure out accurately a particular style of content that a reader might expect. We are constantly changing and exploring different styles and perspectives. Some complain that we have changed from what we started but it is totally out of our hands. We simply let ourselves free, and are going sometimes by instinct and at times wherever we are being taken to by destiny. We know that might not be exactly a great way to proceed. So, we request all of you to guide us and point us our strengths and weaknesses and what you expect of us. We will welcome every suggestion of yours and endeavor to be better in days to come.

Anniversaries have to be celebrated. All the more if it falls on New Year’s Day. We are celebrating our special day with this special issue, filled with the world of graphics and animation. We hope that you may explore this upcoming field with deep relish and we, from Fried Eye have done the best we could to make your animated journey spectacular.

Lastly, I would like to thank all our readers, contributors and well-wishers of Fried Eye. You are the people who make us going. Wish you all a splendid New Fried Year.


Fried Eye Team

We welcome your comments at letters@friedeye.com