A Fun Quiz

A Fun Quiz

January 15, 2012 Off By Fried Eye Research Team


We have brought before you a small quiz , just for fun, to see how much of a movie do you remember? Does the memory of a movie or a television go beyond the plot and cinematography to theme songs? How many of you can instantly recollect the movie  by listening to its theme music.  Here are a few themes for you to identify. The best part is that , you have to answer purely on the basis of your memory and power of instant recollection instead of googling. So, happy quizzing while munching on the winter goodies .

Theme one-


The next one- Bonus theme

Here is theme 2 for you to identify

Theme 3 for you-

Following theme 3 , we have for you Theme 4 , which is a nice sunny, groovy number.

And finally we have theme 5 for you.

So those were the themes for you. Please leave your replies in the comment thread and we will let you know the answers on 31st January.




We welcome your comments at letters@friedeye.com