
February 1, 2010 Off By Editor

Dear Readers,

Welcome back to yet another issue of FriedEye. February brings to all of us a new season, a new dimension. In keeping with the mood of the season. meet AxomiMatters, an organization which has taken on itself the onus of creating a new educated and informed Assam. The sleepy sun has finally consented to occasionally rear its head amidst the foggy skies and the time seems just right for a visit to the Scotland of the East. Keeping in tune with the mood of the season, Ajatashatru takes us on a bike ride through Shillong, the capital city of the abode of the clouds, Meghalaya. While your spirits of adventure are still up, take a stroll into the heart of Kenduguri, Assam to experience an enthralling Bhauna with Pramathesh in Through the Lens.

As the season lazily changes colours, it is also time for gradually making space in the wardrobe for a sunnier season ahead; which of course means it’s time to check out the latest trends “in” and “out”. However, obsessive adherence to style mantras can be hazardous and in her article, FriedGuest Sabrina warns one and all of following fashion blindly. What perhaps would be more engaging in this season of transition, is to glance inwards and try and clear the cobwebs gathering in the wardrobe of the heart. The Children’s Section of this issue features young Sandeep’s attempt at illustrating Oscar Wilde’s The Selfish Giant- a story that focuses on just such a spring-cleaning.

But cleaning can get murky too. Find out how in the regular section of 55 Fiction as Mani dabbles with the genre of crime noir. Let Noyon ‘s exclusive with Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan bring to you a new insight into the Star of the Millenium’s life . And last but not the least, may the Wise Bachelor and Miss Cellany continue to regale you with their antidotes and anecdotes on the many faces of society in change.

With warm regards,
Myra B
(on behalf of the Fried Eye team)

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