Category: Issue 15

August 1, 2011 0

Cucumber Salad

By Nikki Thapa

Ingredients   1 small cucumber 2 big spoon of  roasted sesame seeds   Ingredients for dressing (mix all the ingredients)…

August 1, 2011 Off


By Fried Guest

 Vernon’s “artwork”, his last words to the world before he died, read “Me ves y sufres”. And suffer I did,…

August 1, 2011 Off


By Fried Guest

The folk of my village Have progressed, They have made the houses, On the imported designs, Much more sophisticated Than…

August 1, 2011 Off

Good Night…

By Fried Guest

A sweet,soft,charming dream, with a deep feeling brings a night- of you dear, like a whisper in ear… The slow…

August 1, 2011 Off


By Shikha Hazarika

The youth is the spring of human life. The most progressive, inspired and dynamic segment of the country’s population is…

August 1, 2011 Off


By Bhoothnath

Back again to my daily grind of foreseeing and predicting other’s fortune. You see, sighting and then understanding omens is…