Alaudin’s lamp by Mom on Tenterhooks

Alaudin’s lamp by Mom on Tenterhooks

May 15, 2013 Off By Mama Tenterhooks

Dear darling baby,

It has been a couple of weeks since my last letter to you, and in this time, baby, your heart has started beating! Really fast, too! I am now counting down the days till I can hear that tiny heart of yours beat hard and strong to let me know you are healthy and happy in there. After all, Mommy is trying her best to eat all the right things for you, even though it gets really difficult in the mornings. But let’s not talk about the ugly and messy, baby. I promise you will never hear Mommy complaining about anything that has to do with you. Annnnnything. Pinkie promise.

So did I tell you what the first thing was that Daddy did when we got to know about you? Other than saying thanks to me, that is? Well, he walked into the first gift shop he saw and bought me this.


It’s this cute snow globe that plays “Rock a bye baby” when you crank the spring under the base. I’m pretty sure this is going to be your womb lullaby, just like it happens in “Look Who’s Talking Too”. Daddy makes sure you get to listen to it at least once a day, even though he knows your tiny ears are yet to form!

Which brings me to this little secret I want to share with you, baby:  I realize now that we are very lucky to have the Daddy we do.

Right from the night we came back from the clinic, Daddy has not allowed me to do anything! All I need to do is fidget when I am sitting, and Daddy starts asking me, “Is there anything you want? Do you want me to get anything for you? Do you feel like eating anything?” The other day, baby, I wanted to have this particular fish curry that your Grandma taught me how to make, and Daddy wouldn’t let me cook! He insisted on making it for me, and believe me baby, when I sat down for lunch and Daddy brought me this bowlful of absolutely perfect curry, all I could say was thanks over and over again. And when later that day I woke up from my afternoon nap craving for something sweet, Daddy actually cooked dessert for me. He’d never cooked anything sweet before that day!

Daddy has been nothing but an awesomely cool angel who pays attention to my slightest desires. Be it taking me out for sudden biryani cravings, or even reading my mind when I don’t know what I want to eat, he is doing everything and some more, to make sure we are fine. Daddy doesn’t even let me vacuum anymore, and even though he is dead tired by the time he comes home from office, he makes sure we go out for our evening walk. What more can we ask from Daddy, right baby?

It’s like Mommy has Aladdin’s lamp, and all she needs to do is ask Daddy genie for whatever she wants. Oh, remind me to read you the tale of Aladdin and his lamp when you grow up, baby. And maybe we’ll read some Tintin comics together before you grow up enough to learn how to read the words. Oh, and we’ll laugh over Dairy of a Wimpy Kid even though it will be years before you can understand how funny it is. That’s one book with lots of pictures.

We will have so much fun together, baby! So much fun! And even though I don’t know now if you will be wearing pink booties or blue booties when I bring you back from the hospital, I can imagine all the things we will do, you and I. So keep growing, my tiny pea. Stay safe and warm, and come meet me soonest. Mommy loves you the most.


Mom on Tenterhooks.

About the Author Mom on Tenterhooks :

Mrs. Mom on Tenterhooks is a twenty-something first time Mom and is all rosy eyed about having a baby, despite having read a million articles on sleepless nights and messy diapers. She swears by internet research and believes she can handle anything as long as there’s a forum about it somewhere in the world wide web. When not aggressively hunting down reasons for symptoms or their absence, she loves to write to her unborn baby.

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