Right Turn

January 15, 2010 Off By Child Guest

‘Untrustworthy’ was the exact word that came to Oliver’s mind whenever he reflected on the artificiality of human beings. Tricked by his near and dear ones , he couldn’t easily trust life.

That day, he was back serving coffee in motel Park. Suddenly his eyes fell on a portly woman of about thirty. She looked like a tourist with a camera around her neck and a bottle of sunscreen sticking out of her tote bag. She was sitting on the other side of the terrace, sipping lemonade and pretending to look at a glossy cruise-brochure. Her sunglasses masked her eyes, but somehow Oliver knew she wasn’t looking at the brochure; because she hadn’t turned a page for the last ten minutes. Oliver tried not to stare, but he couldn’t help noticing the tiny scar across her left eyebrow. She looked familiar but he couldn’t quite place her. Oliver went about his work.

Suddenly it hit him in a flash. The car accident. The mysterious stranger who helped me out of my smashed car, just in time before it exploded. Oliver rushed back to her table. She was gone. He moved her saucer and found his tip, along with a card:

“I am deeply indebted to you. The night of your car accident, I was on my way to rob a jewelry store. Saving your life brought everything back in perspective. I now live an honest life, thanks to you. God bless you! Miss. X.”

He shivered. The night of the car accident, he was heading for an interview … The card turned his life around and brought faith back into his dull life.

He unfolded the tip she left realizing cruelty is not always the word to describe mankind.He said a silent prayer for her and continued working, a rejuvenated man…

Nishibonya Kakoti
Class-IX A
Carmel School, Jorhat
Age: 14 years

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