Shillong’s Newest Three Piece Band

Shillong’s Newest Three Piece Band

June 15, 2011 0 By Rundolf Mawlieh

Looks like Shillong is turning into a haven of three piece Indie pop punk bands. And just why is this so?  Yours truly, would simply answer because of the presence of the three most active and happening three piece bands under the above mentioned genre category and these bands are Pip of the Fourth Mother commonly known to their fans by the acronym P.O.T FM, following them in the lineup are a couple more bands namely Street Stories and Dosser’s Urge. All these three bands are known best for their original compositions and their perception of a solid audio-visual aspect when it comes to live performance. However, this piece is not meant for all the three bands but only for one. Now please, don’t get disappointed when yours truly say this, because there will be more coming soon even on the other two acts so be patient, relax, but do remember to keep your heads up for the other two acts as well rather you’d have known them better if you put up a regular check on the Indian music circuit be it on the internet or even attending live shows. Anyway, this one is pretty new and within a short span of their existence since the inception of the band this indie pop rock trio machine has earned itself quiet a decent reputation after an outstanding performance at the” Meghalaya Icon 2011” which was recently held in Shillong, and there is no doubt that this band is potential filled and still have a long way to make it to the top.

Here they are ladies and gentlemen, David Kom guitar’s/vox, Walo Kronu bass/vox and Gideon drum’s/vox the boys of Dosser’s Urge a band  owing fame to their originals and their way of mix matching their wardrobe and music which could be possibly seen at most of their live performances . Read this to find out more on what are the lads and their music is all about.

1)      Hello guys, first of all tell us a little bit about your progress and how has the journey been since the band started?

DU: Hi, the band’s progress has gone up a little. Like many other bands we’ve had our fair share of up’s & down’s. Along the way we met many bands & friends who have been really supportive”WE JUST LOVE THEM ALL.”

2)      The two songs Stale Style and Cheap tricks on your MySpace and Facebook are pretty striking and catchy. Can you guys please give an in depth detail of your songs writing process?

DU: Thank you for the compliment on the songs. About our song writing process, I wish we had one because we let everything go spontaneous with our emotions, creativity and inspirations.

3)      Alright now, tell us what are your biggest ambitions as a band?

DU: We want to write songs, which music lover’s abroad would just love the way the fans out here does. As well as to, perform at many festivals internationally and of course to be listed among international bands category with successful albums and singles and an awesome world tour.

4)      Primarily a lot of bands here in our country are ruing about bad management, event productions ETAL, so as an upcoming band what’s your take on that?

DU: We haven’t come across any bad management yet. But we believe that there are some good management and productions because there are some bands which we’ve personally seen from our country going abroad and doing shows. On the other hand, we know is there are some bad ones as well, but at the same time there are always good management and

Production houses who values quality original music.

5)      Do you guys think that making EP’s is becoming a trend among fellow bands in our country or otherwise if not then do you have a proper justification for that?

DU: E.P’s are good ways of letting music lovers know a band’s music /songs. If anyone take’s it as a trend its fair enough because in the end the basic motive of an EP is to let others know there is a band called so and so.

6)      As you guys must have also seen for sure there are a lot of bands out there that changes their line up or on the other hand quit playing and stuff alike, after graduation and tend to focus more on their careers and family lives, does Dosser’s Urge have an expiration date, or are you guys planning to continue to the future and make a solid career in music?

DU: Individually we have our own problems to sort out, but together as “DOSSER’S URGE” all we care is the Rock & Roll thing.

7)      Any Indian bands that you guys look up to and would like to share stage with in the near future?

DU: Yes, Street Stories, Pip of the Fourth Mother, Soulmate, Digital Suicide, (the late) Superfuzz Bigmuff now Indigo Children and Shaa’ir + Func

8)      Okay guys, last but not the least your lovely message to your dear fans…

DU: Thank you for your love and support “WE LOVE YOU ALL”. We will work harder to entertain you with our music till then enjoy “DOSSER’S URGE”.

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