Just Once Again…

February 15, 2010 Off By Jumi B

Gone away are you, away from me,
In search of an inexplicable something;
Dispersed are those moments, dispersed with time-
Moments we created, moments we shared,
Moments specially meant for us.
Steep is this path, steep indeed-
Yet with feet so bare, I walk ahead,
Dry are my lips, wet are my eyes;
But I shall smile, smile for you.
Though far away, you are still there:
There somewhere, somewhere in me,
With a whisper so low, you speak to me,
Speak to me in the stillness of the moon.
Through tears you flow, with the wind you blow-
And make me live, live life again,
Listen to me, if you can;
Turn back to me once, just once again!

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