Inviting support for Bokul

Inviting support for Bokul

September 27, 2015 Off By Editor

Reema Borah, a Mumbai based filmmaker from Assam, has embarked on a path that many only dream. She is making her feature film, Bokul. In fact, she is nearing completion. And if word is to be believed, the rushes of the film has certain film festivals excited.  However, Reema needs support to complete the film, and she needs this rather fast.

As an organization that has tried to stand for the independent voice, Fried Eye Media is trying to support Reema. We have seen the brief ‘pitch trailer’ of Bokul and we believe this film going to be one step ahead for Assamese cinema, which today desperately needs to be brought back to track. The track of universal appeal and Assam centric stories.

Here’s what Reema has to say about Bokul, “Bokul has been a very personal journey for me. It started with my own search to find a way to express my thoughts and emotions. My generation has seen so many changes of various kinds — social, political, economical and technological — and there is an intense need to express myself. I thought if I don’t express it now, it would be too late for the same. There is also this burning desire to make a film on my own terms, without giving into third party interference.”

We are glad that Bokul has managed to get a lot of support. But it will need much more, as it is on a race against time to competition. Details of the film are available at

Pitch Trailer:

Urge you to come forward, and be a part of a dream. Be a part of a change.

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