Found & Lost

December 15, 2010 Off By Fried Guest

A Mirror Cinquain by Arunansu Bandyopadhyay

the two ice cubes
shaped like two frigid hearts
i heave a sigh of contentment
and smile

the breeze
moans through creaking skeletal bones
melancholy wind chime
douses the glint
and hope

Arunansu Bandyopadhyay

Arunansu Banerjee, from Kolkotta, West Bengal, India, has been writing poetry only a few years but the art and craft were rooted in him long before his work appeared on web forums such as The Peregrine Muse, Here & Now and Soul to Soul. Arunsansu is a teacher by profession, with a degree in physics and a specialty in softwares. His primary love is listening to Indian Classical music. Favorite poets include Emily Dickinson, John Keats, Rabindranath Tagore, Li Po, Mary Oliver, Pablo Neruda and Matsuo Basho.

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