Recipe For Lazy Man – Onion Paratha

Recipe For Lazy Man – Onion Paratha

June 1, 2011 1 By Fried Guest

Few days back, I was talking to one of my very close friends, and I asked her if she knew any easy dish, that I could make. She suggested me a dish. Now this simple dish, reminded me how my mom too used to make for me  in the morning  during my school days. Indeed, sometimes simple dishes can taste so delicious.

Moreover, ever since I made the Methi-thepla and khichiri, many of my friends said that it is good to see  recipes which are so easy and quick to make and tastes delicious too. I’m fully charged and want all my bachelor friends and the guys who do not have a wife  at home,  to make their hands a bit dirty and surprise themselves or their wives with a little cooking. Of course, cooking is fun and easy if one really puts some thought over it. One of my friends did try his hand making the khichiri recipe; reading my blog and he realized that he can cook but he needs some more good practice in cooking.

As the perfect quote goes, Never leave Hope in dismay, until dismay leaves you”. So, never leave the Hope in cooking even if your kitchen turns into smoke and mess. Believe me, the moment it’s a mess, you will learn from the mistake and the next time you cook, it will turn out to be perfect.

That’s the philosophy that works with me, and I end up discovering a new dish. I’m no more scared of cooking; rather I enjoy in my own with all the simple and long recipes. Some recipes, I remember learning from my mom, some through 24/7 browsing the internet and some from the mess I make in the kitchen.

So if you are a bachelor or missing your mom’s cooking like anything, or you are simply a lazy-man or you are in a hurry and are hungry, you will surely like to go through this very quick and easy recipe and enjoy cooking either for yourself or your friends. Avoid being lazy and eating just a burger or potato chips. You can be lazy; but still eat healthy by trying this easy and simple recipe. The best part of this recipe is that you will find all the ingredients at home and none of the ingredients which are seasonal. So, enjoy making the Onion Paratha, which can be a super hit at anytime of the year.

However, what I enjoy the most about the onion paratha, is the combination of the crispiness of the paratha/bread and the sweet crunchy texture of the fine chopped onion in between  every bite I take.

Ingredients for Onion Paratha:

  • Whole wheat flour: 1½ cup (Shall make 6-8 paratha)
  • Onion: 1-2 (finely chopped)
  • Turmeric powder: ¼ teaspoon
  • Red chilly powder: ¼ teaspoon
  • Coriander (dhania) powder: ¼ teaspoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil for making parathas
  • Carom (Ajwain) seeds: ½ teaspoon
  • Anise seeds (Choti Saunf): ½ teaspoon
  • Cumin (jeera) powder: ¼ teaspoon
  • Curd/yogurt: 2 tablespoon (optional)

Making of Onion Paratha:

  • Roast the carom, anise, and cumin seed in a pan. Let it cool down and then roughly crush them into powder.
  • Fine chop the onions.
  • Now take the wheat flour, and add the fine chopped onion, with all the spices powder, roasted seeds powder and salt. Mix it well.
  • Add a table spoon of oil than add water slowly to knead to make nice smooth dough. You may use around ½ cup of water. The dough shall be smooth and soft.
  • Cover and leave the dough with a tissue/cloth and set aside for about 5-10 minutes (if in hurry, than no need to set aside)
  • To make paratha/flatbread, divide the dough into balls. Take the size large as of a large lemon. Take a ball, dust with flour and roll out to a flat thin disc.
  • Heat a tava/pan (griddle). When well heated, place a paratha on the tava. Roast on medium flame both sides using the oil.
  • Serve hot. Enjoy with roasted green chilies (recipe below.)

Ingredients for Roasted Green chilies:

  • Green chilies: 2-4
  • Salt: 4-5 spoons
  • Oil: 1 tablespoon

Method of making roasted Green chilies:

  • Wash the green chilies in water.
  • Now make a long slit in the chili.
  • Ones slit is made de-seed the green chilies. That means, remove all the seeds from the green-chilies with the help of the sharp knife.
  • Now rub the salt outside and inside the green chilies.
  • Leave the green chilies with the salt rubbed for about 10 minutes or more.
  • Then take a small pan and heat oil. Add the green chilies and roast the chilies from both the sides.
  • It will take just a micro second for the green chilies to turn a bit brown. Soon, remove them from the pan and keep aside.
  • Add again the salt on the roasted chilies and serve with the paratha or like any thing as a spicy side dish.


  • To make the onion paratha, soft, add two tablespoon of curd while making dough.
  • Add the spring onion leaves if available to enhance the taste.
  • Adding the roasted seeds is optional and can add them directly.
  • You might also like to add the gram flour 1tablespoon with the flour while kneading to add flavor.
  • Salt is believed to dilute the strong bitter flavor of the chilies.
  • Add few drops of water, if the green chilies starts burning.(Be careful of the strong smoke)
  • Active your senses and add the ingredients according to your flavor.


Rachana Shakyawar

I’m a learned Chef by nature, a beauty painter by mood, a stunning dancer by birth. I’m a lover of  humming butterflies, colours, chocolates, who fears of unknown, who needs little appreciation in sincere words with a tint of charm over the top, who gives sharp feelings for taste, time, hearing and sense of smell, who would like to see bloom and bliss with rachi creations.