Food for thoughts
February 15, 2013All right, time for a break and some snacks and the moment we think food, some of the fine creations from our own kitchen comes to our mind like the super creative yet simple The Green Stare or the sweet Dusta suwali..
Our FE kitchen had started out with a simple yet delicious recipe of Aloo masti and the strict standards of originality, taste and visual appeal that we had created back then had been maintained till date. With Sanzeeta the food and recipe editor at the helm of food desk, things could hardly go wrong.
The food desk team even created a signature dish that was truly a ‘fried eye’. Named as Mushy Fried Eye, this fish preparation is an original from our food desk and you will not find a replica of it anywhere.
The USP of the section is that over and above the usual conventional much sought after recipes, Fried Eye food desk has come up with some original recipes cooked up by the team as well as some ethnic dishes like the chunga chaul and the ondla jwng na jwng from the North East of India.
Truly in terms of originality, commitment and artistry, it is one such section that has landed Fried Eye more hits than most of the others and had taken FE to new heights. The reason for the success of the food desk can be attributed to a fresh approach and readiness for experimentations no matter how absurd and impossible a newly thought out recipe may sound.
The Food desk was not only about recipes but also had carried Restaurant reviews and some exotic food photography , but the best and unique part about it was bringing before us some famous personalities associated with fine dining and signature recipes.
Interviews with chef Atul Lahkar of Khorika and Chef Yu Hing Tham from Lemon tree were some of the notable highpoints from the food desk.
To add variety to the dishes served, there were also the occasional kitchen tips and well researched articles about the food ingredients once in a while like The Bird Eye chilli which we assure with pride that you will hardly find such an elaborately written write up on it over the internet.
Do I see a skeptical smile? Well then seeing or rather reading is believing and so we will request you to go through their entire menu here and some reviews here..and I am sure the list will surprise you .