Egg Salad by Manash Sharma

April 1, 2012 Off By Fried Guest

Egg salad (serves 4)



Eggs: 4 (hard boiled)

Peanuts: 50 gms (soaked in water overnight)

Tomato ketchup

Boiled Cabbage leaves

Few soya chunks (boiled)

Beet: grated

Green peas (boiled)

Cheese cubes

Black pepper & Salt to taste



  1. Remove the skin off the soaked peanuts and grind to a smooth paste.
  2. Add a little tomato sauce to the peanuts paste. Mix well.
  3. Cut the boiled eggs into small pieces. Take a salad dish and arrange the egg pieces on the dish.
  4. Sprinkle some of the boiled cabbage leaves and the soya chunks over the egg pieces.
  5. To each piece of boiled egg, add a dollop of the peanuts sauce.
  6. Add the remaining boiled vegetables on top of the salad
  7. Sprinkle salt and pepper to taste on the eggs
  8. Add the grated beet roots in the middle of the salad.
  9. Now grate the cheese cubes and sprinkle them well on the salad.
  10.  Enjoy!

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