Editorial – The Change

Editorial – The Change

December 15, 2013 Off By Noyon Jyoti Parasara

When it released in 1939, Gone With The Wind created history. It not only did crazy box office numbers, a few months later it swept the Oscars winning as many as 8 of those golden trophies. The making of film was no less of a story. With over 1400 girls auditioned before the perfect actress for the role of Scarlett was cast. And interestingly for so much of hard work, most Hollywood studios even declined to make a film on this story before the book was published!


Things are not quite different today. Things most unlikely still happen. And with aplomb! Today Gone With The Wind turns 73 years old! And as we celebrate great drama we look at the India’s political scenario and the words seem quite apt. ‘Gone With The Wind’. The winds of change!


The elections results last week shows India is indeed ready for a change. And forces that holds back the change could well be… gone with the wind!


And change it is that we bring to you and we talk about.


For one, we at Fried Eye have worked hard on giving our magazine a new look. Something we are hopeful you would like.


And then, we are also talking change. This issue we not only bring to you an overview of changes on political scene but also look at how Delhi may have changed – for better. Let us bring to your notice that this week marks one year of the horrible Delhi rape incident. One we pray none of us forget.


While we wish to drive away from pain, we also look at the lessons that pain bring in. In a chat Aruni Kashyap talks about his acclaimed book A House With A Thosand Stories – and his memories from his childhood in Assam.  


There is more from matters of heart to the stomach, that should just be your ideal fried delights!


Hope you find the change good!


** And yes, just a little something from our side. Mommy On Tenderhooks has delivered a beautiful baby girl. And she would soon be back to talk about the new delights!




Yours faithfully,

Noyon Jyoti Parasara

Issue Editor

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