
October 1, 2010 Off By Editor

Yesterday, it was a major historical day for India. Verdict for a case that ran for 60 years was pronounced. It was not historical because it took 60 years to pronounce a verdict, but because it was a case about faith. About what happened hundreds of years ago. It can only happen in India, that even the Gods has to go through normal judiciary to prove it’s existence. The disputed land will be divided into equal parts and will be given to the three parties. I think it is the wisest decision, and I think all the parties should accept this. People who are wondering if both Hindu and Muslim can worship side by side, can take the example of Puwa Mecca of Hajo, Assam. In the same compound, there is one mosque (Puwa Mecca) and one temple (Haygriva Madhav). Puwa Mecca is known as 1/4th Holy as Mecca, i.e., if you go to Puwa Mecca four times, it is like going to Mecca once. The Haygriva Madhav is also considered very holy. During Shukla Purnima (Full Moon) of the month of Jyestha (the third month of the Assamese calendar, or June-July month of Gregorian Calender), thousands of Hindu devotees visit the place. If two holy pilgrimage can exist side by side in Assam, I am sure it can exist in Ayodhya also given there is no political interference.

I just hope that all the parties accept the decision gracefully. Because, it is not about a piece of land but about India, a Unified India.

Hoping for a peaceful India and a peaceful World,

Signing Off

Pramathesh Borkotoky

Exec. Editor

Fried Eye

You can mail me pramathesh@friedeye.com.

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