

June 15, 2014 Off By Fried Eye

The country is going through disorderly times. Yes, the new government brings in promises. But the promises seem to have made little difference to things; at least when it comes to security of women across the country. Back to back rape incidents in UP, violent kills in Meghalaya – they have left us shamed. And this despite the series of protests after the Delhi rape case of December 2012.

While we mourn the state of affairs and are riled at the response from the people in power, we can only stand by our female comrades. Do not lose your hope. Do not lose your strength. Fight like Like Rani Lakshmi Bai did 161 years back. Agreed her battle was different, but inspiration she is nevertheless. You might find a piece by Miss Cellany interesting in this regard.

To the rest, if you ever feel let down by people… move on! Your life is too big to be effected by others trying to hurt you. More importantly, you can start making a change yourself.

Moving on from the seriousness of life, the monsoons are here. Soak in the beauty of rain. Take note of the way the earth responds to the showers and you might find newer things to look forward to every monsoons.

Like the rains, our attempt too remains to bring topics that should refresh you as you trudge along the humdrum lives. Happy reading; And do find to write back and comment!


Issue Editor

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