Click to Skill

Click to Skill

July 1, 2012 Off By Fried Eye News Service

A click in time can teach you nine things? Our own poor version of the age old gyan, but it does have some truth in it we assure you.

This July a team of innovative young men are coming up with a new web portal –Click2skill which has an unique concept of learning and teaching through sharing information. Of course you will say that the vast internet itself is one pulsating, throbbing and growing store house of information which is entirely at your disposal to tap into and get enriched. But text alone and a few images and videos might not be enough to teach you new skills, the way you would like to, At the most you will be just aware, but Skill? Skill comes after practise sessions, practical applications, consulting when on practise and constant training arising out of spontaneous curiosity.

And that is where Click2Skill steps in.

The idea was born as a result of frustration experienced by many people to find good use of their free time, which is usually spent watching TV indoors. This time can be spent in a more fruitful way by learning something new or by trying a new activity. This is what appealed to Geetansh (IIT Chennai)  along with his brother, Gaurav (IIT Mumbai / LBS) and a friend, Rohin (IIT Delhi / Stanford) to create a platform for people to share skill and this is how Click2Skill (Indian Version) / Classperts (Future UK version) was born.

Starting with the cities, it plans to expand into every nook and corner of the country by invitation for registration into the portal and for being a part of its novel scheme,  spreading the word  through some aggressive marketing and efficient networking.

The concept is a simple one, so simple that one might feel cynical at the feasibility, but in truth this is not the first instance of such a concept. It is basically a platform where people who are interested in teaching a particular skill of their expertise can come forward to do so, and in a similar reverse manner a person who is interested in learning a particular skill can enrol themselves here for the same. The skill can be anything ranging from salsa, cooking, driving, tech matters or any imaginable subject and Click2skill in addition to providing an advertising platform and exchange forum will also coordinate with both the learner and teacher to organise seminars, training and workshop sessions.

Other than the above features, they will also have a consultation on demand or on call, which will not be training or teaching session in entirety, rather a onetime consulting or advice session.We all have called up our friends when in doubt. Just extending the market, the day is not very far when we can request a 10 min slot from a field expert for consultation. The future is in Information on the move. There’s one thing that all of us carry all the time- our cellphones. Click2Skill dares to use it to give a platform to share information over our cellphones.

Speaking of skills, the emphasis will be laid more on spontaneous creativity, rather than a certified professional academic course, but of course they intend to incorporate both as per the demands of the users. As Geetansh says- In today’s time of neo cultural revolution, when we are seeing a change in lifestyles, the platform will serve as a medium to satisfy the spontaneous creative cravings (which is usually put in the back burner to excel in the professional field) of an individual and will attempt to make the teaching and learning experience easily accessible and a smooth and hassle-free one.

No registration fee is required. Learners will just need to pay for what they learn while teachers get an opportunity to earn by imparting skills.

Though there are websites that have applied the same principle as in here, click2skill attempts to be different by two new features

  • ·Consultation on call or on demand
  • ·Activity based sessions

Internet has certainly made life easier with accessibility at the click of a mouse. All it remains to be seen now is how much can we capitalise from this accessibility.

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