My Royal Unicorn

October 15, 2010 Off By Nimue Gal

On the blurred edges of my dreams,
where i search for you each night,
I found you once waiting for me,
smiling at me,or maybe on my plight.

It was a dream i know for sure,
you stood as the royal unicorn,
I remember just your smiling face
as time witnessed a tryst of souls.

You told you will wait till eternity,
but I was forbidden to yet,sleep forever,
unless I was done with spreading love
that was meant for you,but shared never.

There was some one else,worthy around
who would hold me just like I always wished,
the way I see in my dreams each night,
he is the one,the true anchor of my ship.

Saying so you left me on doors of dawn
to open my heart and let love rule it again
to make space for the cheeful dreams
and let your memories wash away the pain.

Each night since then,I dream of you
full of pride and care,my royal unicorn
to me you always will be the real star
no matter who says “you are no more”.

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