How To Make A Website In 31.41 Minutes!- A website story

How To Make A Website In 31.41 Minutes!- A website story

October 1, 2011 Off By Manjil P. Saikia

Once upon a time…,

such a technical thing as building a website yourself would be considered a very humongous task, but now with everything simplified so much, it isn’t an impossible dream to build your own website. Manjil Pratim Saikia explains in some simple steps , how to do the same in just 31 minutes 41 seconds

In today’s world, the most useful thing according to me is a website. Be it your college site or the site of a local cinema hall. You have learned to depend on it like there is no other way. Have you ever thought, “Ah, it would be nice to have a website of my own” or “How I wish, I could have a website like that”? if the answer is yes then this article will attempt to help you out a bit. But first a disclaimer for all those who already know something about HTML or PHP or stuff like that. This article is for the laymen and will involve absolutely no coding at all, so you can perhaps skip this one if you wish. And for all those of you who have no knowledge of web designing this article is just for you.


  1. A good computer with a decent internet connection
  2. A Debit Card/Credit Card with at least Rs.1500 balance.

First of all you need to know the components of a website. A simple website contains some files that are stored in an external server which are rendered for the user when called upon. So, you will need a name or technically a domain name for your website and some online storage space to store the files of your website. Below I tell you how to get these and then design your very own website.

Buying a Domain Name: (Time taken 5 minutes)

To get a domain name is very simple. There are hundreds of companies who lets you buy a domain name of your choice. For example my preferred companies for buying a domain name are and . Both the companies provide very cheap and reliable services. For example you can get a .com domain for as low as Rs. 450 for one year. To buy the name you will need either a Debit Card or a Credit Card. Online money transfer option is also provided by many services but not all of them has that option. After you select the name of your website and buy it, you will need some storage space.

Buying some storage space: (Time 5 minutes)

Before buying storage space for your website, you will need to have an idea about what are you going to show thorugh your website. If it’s a personal site or blog than manybe 5GB space would be more than enough for its entire lifetime. If it’s a magazine like Fried Eye, then it would be prudent to go for about 10GB space. However if you feel that you will build a site like say or then you will be needing unlimited storage space. So, first selecet your choice and then select from where to buy it from. The best service that I have got are provided by and , both these companies provide unlimited hosting for a very cheap price. However for a perosnla website I think you whould start with about 1GB space and that can be bought for around Rs. 1000 from . Now that you have some space, you should be able to point your name to the source of your files. This is done by updating your DNS records.

Updating your DNS Records: (Time 5 minutes)

After you buy your domain name and the storage space, you will able to login to your control panel where you will have variety of options. There you will find an option saying “DNS Name Servers”, you will provided typically two name servers whose records you will have to submit there, so that your website will point to the correct location. Once you have done this, then your website will be live within 24 hours all over the world.

Installing WordPress: (Time 5 minutes)

After doing all of the above, you will need to design your website. Since, I am assuming you know very little of coding, so the best way would be to have a WordPress based website. WordPress or WP for short is a blogging platform that can be used to build any kind of website. The whole system can be downloaded free of cost from . Once you have downloaded it, you will need to transfer the files to your web server, and then run the installation. WP is famous for its 5 minutes installation. You will be given instructions on screen and following them you will get your own trendy WP site.

Designing the website: (Time 11.41 minutes)

After you have your WP site, you will be able to login to your dashboard where you can tweak the designs in any way you want. There are numerous free as well as paid WP themes on the internet. You can select whichever theme you want and upload it to your website. Once its done, you will be ale to add content to your site like pages, photos, videos etc. The opportunities are practically limitless.

This was just a very brief demo, if you want more comprehensive instructions drop a comment, and we will try to cover it in the subsequent issues. Have fun making your own website.

Just to show you the ability of WP, here are a few websites made by me using WP:



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