Looking for a Hobby? Try these

Looking for a Hobby? Try these

August 1, 2013 0 By Fried Guest


Urshita Bhuyan

What do you usually do to spend your spare time? Most people would spend it by gossiping with their friends, gardening, collecting coins, stamps, listening to music, reading books and the like. Here are some really unique and unusual hobbies, which can add spice and a whole lot of fun to your life.





  • Noodling: If you are a daredevil sort of person, always ready for an adventure, then noodling can be your perfect hobby. It is a type of fishing, but not with the help of fishing net and that is where the twist to this adventurous hobby lies. It involves catching fish or any underwater sea animals with your own bare hands. A person has to go underwater and search for its target and at the same time keep hold of his breath. The longer he can hold his breath, the better it is for him to lay his hands upon a fish. The task ends not only with getting hold of a fish but also fighting with all his might to grab it and subjugate it. Once you become an expert in this sport, there’s no one stopping you!


  • eggsCarving egg shells: If creative work is your forte, then carving egg shells can be the perfect hobby for you. It is enjoyable and also increases the creativity level of a person. Egg shells can be designed in any way and with any design. From a mild black and white pattern to multi coloured patterns, egg shells can be designed in one and all designs. All you need is an empty egg shell and a set of colours.


  • postcrossing
  • Postcrossing: If you have the urge to know people across the globe, postcrossing can be an interesting hobby for you. Postcrossing basically means to receive postcards from all over the world. You can get people’s addresses from anywhere on the globe and start by sending them postcards and get one in return too! In this way, you can collect postcards from almost all the nations of the world.


  • woodworking
  • Woodworking: This is yet another hobby which will enhance your creative skills. Woodworking involves a lot of creativity along with patience. It involves cutting tiny pieces of wood and developing something meaningful out of it. I have an uncle who is by far very adept in his work and probably the best one I have ever come across. Chairs, tables, cars, bridges, toys, etc. are the most common woodworks.


  • antiques
  • Restoring antiques: Some people are deeply interested in antiques, be it a piece of furniture or a mighty well built house. Such people usually indulge themselves in restoring such antique items and keep it in the form of their priced collection. If you are a person interested in the ruins of yesteryears, restoring antiques could be the perfect hobby for you.



  • scrapbook 2
  • Scrapbooking: This can be termed as a common habit, but it can vary from person to person. Anything and almost everything can be a part of your scrapbook! It includes pictures of favourite actors, players to pictures of national flags, animals, or even designs and patterns created with the help of buttons, eatables, paper cuttings etc.



  • Icarus - 127/365
  • Bungee Jumping: One of the most adventurous sports of all time, bungee jumping can be fun and frolic for those who believe in the truest meaning of the word ‘adventure’. If you want to play with your life and you know you are a good player, then bungee jumping can be the right sport for you, which you can develop into your hobby, but surely at your own risk!



  • chocolate wrappers
  • Collecting chocolate wrappers: I came across a friend, who had this habit of collecting every chocolate wrapper she came across. It is surely a unique hobby, I believe. Chocolates are not only loved by young children, even the older group of people love to devour a bar of chocolate. Collecting chocolate wrappers can be fun and you can actually have an estimate of how many chocolates you had in your entire lifetime. And to add some fun to it, you can also try to remember who gifted you which chocolate!


  • butterflies
  • Collecting butterflies and insects: This may sound weird, but it is regarded as one of the unique hobbies that some people actually have. Most people have a huge collection of colourful butterflies and some creepy insects, collected from all over the world. If you love being creepy, this could be a suitable hobby for you!



  • cosplayCosplay: It is defined as dressing up as a particular character, either from a film or a cartoon and moving around in that costume everywhere. Originating in Japan, this hobby can prove to be a totally fun filled one for people of any age group. This hobby is more fun when done with a group of friends. Imagine roaming around the streets, all of your friends dressed in each of the super heroes of the ‘Avengers’! This is sure to be fun!



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