
October 15, 2013 Off By Fried Eye
On Thursday, the 10th of October’2013, Ms. Alice Munro (82) was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature’2013 as “master of the contemporary short story”. It was a very inspiring and jubilant moment for short story writers as well as readers as it is very difficult to make a name for yourself by writing short stories.

It has to be noticed that Ms. Munro has not been awarded for what she represented in her short stories but how she represented it. Her stories almost has a feel of a novel. The detailing of the characters are so minute that you feel attached to the characters by the time the story is over. For ex- in “Lives of Girls and Women”, she deals with budding sexuality and the emotions – the horror and thrill – during the period or in “Dear Life” where the narrator is an infant being whisked inside the house by her mother as a neighbor approaches. She has created a large body of work, each of which has an individual style that surprises you.

We hope that short story writers move with a new zeal from now on and that she does not retire from writing and publishing.


Fried Eye

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