
August 15, 2013 Off By Fried Eye

66 years into Independence, there have been times most of us have taken our independence for granted. Little thought goes into what it might feel not to have it. And then we come across people who make us sit up, take notice and hope!

The tale of courage and hope is what struck us when we got to know of Nilanjana. In her search we have found a purpose… something FriedEye believes, deserves action.

We came to know of Nilanjana’s story from a Facebook post.

So who is Nilanjana and what is her story?

The highlight of our edition, today is Nilanjana’s story ; not only because it’s a heart touching poignant story, which it is, but because she needs us. She is a fellow woman and she needs us- as simple as that!

I request you to read it, understand it, imagine it , if needed, for a moment imagine yourself in her shoes and the rest- your heart will guide you.

Please share her story as much as possible, for who knows – someone there might just be the person who possess the key to every thing.

Please voice your views, opinions suggestions, questions- points which we might have missed, for every voice counts.

We are counting on you. Nilanjana is counting on you…

This independence day, we dedicate the issue to all our unsung heroes who sacrificed their lives and freedom for us and who went on to become mere statistics in the course of time.

Jai Hind!

– Fried Eye Editorial team


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