
October 1, 2011 Off By Editor

How time flies and we realise so late that time has flown by. Like for example how time flew by , while I just waited for the right words. As the fortnight progressed amidst news of the earthquake in Sikkim, the Manipur blockade and Chidambaram, we in Fried Eye tried to stir up some interesting stories for you and that was what had confused me. Do I preach a sermon? Go down the memory lane and reminisce about the Durga Puja of yore? Narrate an interesting and inspiring rags to riches story? After all Fried Eye does owe  a responsibility to its readers. And here , how much I would love to quote the neo idealism that is going around.- That one also owes a responsibility towards to oneself too, live for himself/herself, priority to self and so on. But is it really easy to live for oneself? I beg to differ. Even for a person who has been tagged as selfish it is not easy to live for just oneself, because deep in our hearts we do know that such a thought process will result in anarchy if every other person starts living for oneself. So living for others, responsibility etc does become more a necessity or duty rather than something voluntary. But what about the joy of giving part, you might ask. Inexplicable isn’t it? Think hard , but why do our hearts gladden when we live for others? Why do our eyes light up when we see our loved ones happy? What is that warm fuzzy feeling when we sacrifice something for a greater good? Is it a conditioned reflex that we had been fed by our pragmatic ancestors who were insightful enough to realise that such a thing is a necessary for harmony and hence safety of the society? The co existence and interdependence theory? Whatever it might be, I still find it difficult to comprehend why we are what we are. But if it brings joy to the giver as well as the receiver then , yes then why not endorse it? (my conditioned reflex thinking working again I guess) So why not check out this then? http://joyofgivingweek.ning.com/

Wishing you a happy Durga Puja and Dusshera and an enjoyable fortnight ahead.



Editor of the Issue



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