
November 15, 2010 Off By Editor

It had been a busy day for me and I was not sure if I could bring out this issue in time or not. But God has always helped me in bringing out Fried Eye for you. You must be wondering what kept me busy so much. Let me tell you, I have taken part in India International Trade Fair (IITF), 2010 representing KraftInn. It is an awesome experience taking part in IITF. It is so huge that you get tired even trying to look around standing at one place. Okay, I might be exaggerating but I guess you got the point. Each state has a pavilion and each pavilion is like a trade fair that we normally see. I have never seen so many businessmen together. People of Delhi, must have seen the crowds of IITF, but the perspective from a seller’s point is really nice.

It really feels nice to see the changing face of India where more and more people are taking on to business.

Signing off,


You can contact me at pramathesh@friedeye.com.

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