Chef’s Pick: Axomimatters

February 1, 2010 Off By Pramathesh Borkotoky

On January 1, 2010 a new website was released. Prime audience targeted: the youth of Assam. No, we are not talking of FriedEye here though the date of launch coincides. The website under discussion is the enigmatically titled So what is this website all about? The FriedEye team recently got in touch with Mr. Amarjyoti Saikia, the man behind the site, to find out just that.

We learnt from Mr. Saikia that the organization AxomiMatters saw its genesis during the close of 2008. It comprises, as Mr. Saikia puts it, “of people from Assam who have joined hands and heads to contribute to the developmental activities of Assam. Even though our career interests have dispersed us across the globe, Assam remains an intrinsic part of our identity and everything that happens back home, matters to us just as much.”

The primary mission of AxomiMatters is to contribute to the development of Assam. Currently, the focus is on helping and guiding the students of Assam through services like career counseling and student mentoring. The organization channelizes its efforts in gathering and disseminating up-to-date information regarding new vistas opening up in traditional and emerging fields. ” We have a lot of Subject Matter Experts enrolled with us”, says Mr. Saikia via email. “Among them there are professionals working in prestigious organizations, entrepreneurs successfully managing their establishments and academicians doing outstanding research at Universities and Institutes located all over the world. These groups of people come from diverse backgrounds like engineering and science, design, economics, public relations, medical and multidisciplinary streams.”

Commenting on the present Career Counselling situation in Assam, Mr. Saikia states that the primary cause for the dearth of right kind of information regarding various education career options is the lack of adequately equipped Subject Matter Experts in the different parts of the State. AxomiMatters, he hopes, will be an easy to approach medium through which students of Assam can interact with and seek personal guidance from dedicated, experienced and successful Subject Matter Experts spread across the globe. The need to make the organization accessible to the different parts of the State lead to the development of the website which went public on New Years this year.

The user-friendly website requires the students seeking guidance to submit their queries in a customised form along with relevant details of their educational background. Once submitted, the question gets picked by AxomiMatters’ Subject Matter Experts and the necessary information is provided to the students via email. In addition, the website features career related news,articles, examination alerts and information regarding various institutes of study.

“These”, says Mr. Saikia,” are the activities AxomiMatters is focusing right now.Till now we have arranged few sessions in some institutes in Guwahati and Nagaon in order to increase awareness. We are planning to arrange few more sessions in various parts of Assam in coming days.”

The website launched on New Year’s hallmarks the organization’s progress in its intended mission and we at FriedEye wish AxomiMatters all success in its journey ahead.

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