And years later , so say the veterans ..

August 1, 2012 Off By Fried Guest

First the running around to find out what Class you are in .. finding the Time-table of the classes which class in which lecture theater and where are those room physically..

Looking at the big sardars seniors and wondering whats going to happen now, the stories about ragging and all.. eyes down all the time

I was a scary cat when i went to my first day at college.. My father actually dropped me at the gate of the college which in itself will be so very embarassing for most kids these days ..

Looking at the nervous faces of everyone around and hoping I am not showing that nervousness..



I still remember that day, the first day of my college. I was slightly elated, slightly sad and slightly anxious. Elated because I got into a better college in the first go (CAT is one tough exam and getting into a good college in first try is really something nice), sad because the people I got associated while giving an interview, the guys from my place, weren’t selected and didn’t get through in the college and anxious because through these two years, I was going to set the path of my career. The nostalgia of my own place and the anxiety of new place stayed with me for almost 2 weeks, until I got acquainted with the new environment.

Two years went by in a jiffy, I didn’t even realize. I felt like it was yesterday I started this endeavor and I was already at the gates being thrown out in the Corporate world. The feelings can be expressed with similar three words – “elation”, “sadness” and “anxiety”. But come to think of it, though the words are same, the meaning or the feeling is slightly different. Or may be the past experience and goals and objectives in front of me made it look different to me.

The college days are best when lived fully and cherished. The whole course of 2/3/4 years of college is also something to be cherished, but whenever we think of college days and want to talk about it, the first and last day at the college is something that would pop in our minds.

~ Prasad

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