A trip to the pyramids of Egypt

A trip to the pyramids of Egypt

January 27, 2015 0 By Fried Guest
By Hriddhi Sunder Doley

An office trip to Egypt left me spellbound for more than one reason. This was my first visit to the mighty pyramids and they turned out to be bigger than what I believed. The azure sky and the golden sand couples of to make this part of the world astonishingly beautiful… something that photographers can only try to reproduce. But then, there is of course no alternative to being present there to soak it all in…

One tip – take enough money with you. This place can be expensive!


There… I saw it!





I could not resist it…



A ride to remember…



And I was not alone…




The parking lot…



Then I saw it…




And I fell in love all over again!




The mandatory ‘I was here’ pic!







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