Peevishly Yours

Peevishly Yours

April 1, 2014 Off By Dagny Sol

Dear Boss,

We understand why you encourage the concept of promotion by seniority. If it weren’t for this strategy, you’d never have got access to the chair that you insult today; you had neither brilliance nor the capacity for grueling work. For this cunning talent, we confer the title of Nincompoop upon you.

Peevishly Yours!

Dear Teacher,

We know you don’t come to school to teach. Your main work is done at your private coaching classes where you teach from 5-7am then from 3-11pm. You must surely get so tired, no wonder you want to rest at school. We sympathize with you wholeheartedly. Please don’t strain yourself unnecessarily.

Peevishly Yours!

Dear Subordinate,

Your (alleged) performance at work has now reached proportions invisible even to an electron microscope. Your pious enthusiasm to bury your female relatives (with whom you seem bountifully supplied) with exemplary reverence whenever there is an important cricket match, is enough to make me tear up. God bless your loving heart!

Peevishly Yours!

Dear Student,

I understand that attending school isn’t fashionable anymore. I’m sure school must seem very plebian to you for you don’t pay a bomb for the privilege of being stuffed like sardines in a narrow, dingy classroom. Meanwhile, do forgive me for expecting you to attend school. I’m lamentably dated, I confess.

Peevishly Yours!



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