

June 1, 2014 Off By Fried Eye

There is something about summers , that is so like an oxymoron- lazily energetic or energetically lazy where exuding warmth in your relationship is the super cool  and about which it is said that it is the best season to stay chilled. To cut a long story short, summer months though hot and uncomfortable most of the times, has , not surprisingly a sunny bearing about it- probably in anticipation of the rains or the fact that it somehow is associated with holiday cheer much like the christmas period. It is that period when families go on a vacation together,- it is the season of excited grand parents, family get together, fun and games , plenty of outings, mangoes and so on.

Human behavior is quite interesting and so endearing in that, we humans are probably the only beings who can see beyond a period of adversity or hardship into better days and a future, with the magic element called hope . We are probably the only creations of the almighty who can turn any eventuality to our favor and make the best out of it. We are the unique species who can live and survive with just a hope and a firm belief . Here is wishing and hoping for better days and times ahead, so that we have many sunny summer stories to share with each other.

Keeping the season in mind , we have kept our June first issue a very simple one, with some light reading and a few points to ponder with Anurag Kashyap and about the many woes , of your own dream weavers- the authors.

Hope you enjoy reading it as much  we enjoyed compiling it for you. So , for you – the June first issue-read ,pray (as in meditate) and laugh!

We welcome your comments at letters@friedeye.com