Search Results for: BOOKS

May 28, 2022 Off

Books to buy for your toddler

By Fried Eye

Reading books to toddlers is a great way to introduce your kids to stories and the habit of reading. It is also a great tool to help children learn new words, improve their vocabulary, and even their reading comprehension. It is a great way to bond with them and teach them important skills they will need in life.

February 5, 2022 0

Must-Read Books on Indian History

By Fried Eye

If you are a history nerd, Indian history is nothing short of a gold mine. But even if you are not, these are some books we trust could still get you hooked. We are not claiming these are the best books that have been published. That’s impossible to judge! But these could very get you going, apart from adding some serious glamour to your book shelve… or kindle!

May 1, 2010 Off


By Gunjana Dey

Scribbling on a new notebook Is like beginning life afresh. New notebooks have always attracted me –